Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in a number of
- By post - send it to us with a stamped addressed envelope if you want us to post it back to you.
- Online - please contact reception to complete a registration form - once this activated you are able to order your repeat prescriptions online
- Telephoning our new repeat prescription voicemail system on 01698 682470 leaving your name, date of birth, telephone number, items you require and pharmacy you wish to collect your prescription from.
- Please ensure that you order your medicines in good time. Prescription requests take two working days to be processed by the Practice (ie. if you request on a Monday- before 17:30- it will be ready for collection at the Practice by Wednesday afternoon, however if you request medication on a Thursday- before 17:30- it will be ready for collection the following Monday afternoon).
- ***If your prescriptions are collected by a local pharmacy please liaise directly with your pharmacy about how long this will take***
Online Services Registration
We would like to introduce a new service called Vision Online Services. This will let you book and cancel appointments with our practice using the internet.
You will need to register with the practice to access this service, and once registered you will be given information that will enable you to create your username and password. When your account has been created and activated you will be able to book appointments with available doctors/nurses, view existing appointments and cancel appointments if required.
Please be aware that whilst you can choose to use a shared email address we do not recommend it. You need to be aware that all users will be able to see details within reminder and confirmation emails. For example, if a husband and wife have separate accounts but use the same email address, both will see all online appointment booking confirmations and reminders for both accounts.
Please ensure that you read the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions available on all Vision Online pages. By using Vision Online, patients automatically indicate their acceptance of the Terms & Conditions.
If you are interested in this service, please complete the form below and return it to the practice. We will contact you in the near future with details of how to register.
Click here to register
If you receive inhalers for asthma, COPD or other respiratory condition please return empty or unneeded inhaler to the pharmacy rather than throwing them in the bin. Some inhalers contain greenhouse gasses that can contribute to climate change- returning them to the pharmacy reduces their impact on the envornment.

Medication Reviews
All patients in receipt of repeat medication will have their notes reviewed once a year by the GP - this might result in a follow-up telephone call from the nurse or the GP or a request for you to arrange a routine appointment with one of the GP's.
Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.